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Channel Tree Sports: A History

When California's AB-5 was made law, college sports writers from across the country lost their part time gigs. Channel Tree Sports cofounders and Stanford Superfans Grant Avalon (expert blogger, owner of cat named McCatfrey) and Sam Weyen (novice polaroid photographer, former Stanford Tree) were among the casualties.

Worse, a once teeming ecosystem of passionate, school-affiliated, self-motivated, part-time writers dwindled as media giants appointed corporate drones to cover the beat. Plus the ads, jeez.

Since The Man can kiss our axe, we started Channel Tree Sports, methodically taped together from old python code discovered in a dusty repository from CS124. Defined by eclectic writing styles, rife with diverse opinion, and populated by those who share a fond hardness for card (we poached most of the old writers), we present to you a vision.

Now, C O N S U M E and GO CARD!!!

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